Boldly Go

Or don’t. It doesn’t matter

Happy First Contact

The Third World War was the final and most devastating of Earth’s wars. It lasted for roughly twenty-five years. To put that into some kind of context- that’s how old Timothy Chalamet is. So, for a duration of Timothy Chalamet, that’s how long the war lasted. Imagine how badly humans can hurt each other during…

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The First Time I Shit Myself

Was in October of 2001, and it’s complicated, as you’ll see. See, shortly after high school, I moved halfway across the country because I could not get away from my hometown fast enough. This turned out to be a very bad decision. Not even two months in, a cyst burst on one of my ovaries.…

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I am batshit crazy.

And I think I’m about to get batshit crazier. I think I might be about to enter a depressive cycle, so I’m just gonna jot this post down real quick. No rewrites. That way I can just throw it on the site and go into hibernation knowing that I’ve accomplished at least something. And it…

Read More I am batshit crazy.

Okay, I think the Bajorans might have had something when they worshiped The Prophets.

Because there are a trio of episodes of Deep Space Nine that aired twenty-five years ago that are eerily similar to many things we’ve seen in the news for the past few years.  I’m going to lay it out, but first I’ve got to give a little background, because my best friend is one of…

Read More Okay, I think the Bajorans might have had something when they worshiped The Prophets.